Frequently Asked Questions
Avilla Vista Norte is 43 minutes away from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
Avilla Vista Norte offers one, two, and three-bedroom homes in Phoenix, AZ. To view current availability, please visit our Floor Plans page.
Avilla Vista Norte offers a variety of home and community amenities, including walking paths, spa/hot tub, resort-style pool, dog park, walk-in closets, stainless steel appliances, and a full-size washer/dryer. Visit our Amenities page for more information.
Yes, at Avilla Vista Norte, our Phoenix, AZ homes are pet-friendly. Please reference our pet policy on the Amenities page or contact us for more information.
Yes! Avilla Vista Norte offers several online services, including paying rent and submitting 24/7 maintenance requests.
Applicants will be evaluated on rental criteria, which include sufficient income and acceptable credit history. Acceptable credit history is based upon several credit reporting factors and is not solely based on the applicant's credit score. Further information on the rental criteria will be provided as part of the application process. Contact the leasing office for more details.
Yes – Contact our leasing team today for more details or to learn more about our Preferred Employers list!
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Our team is always ready to answer your questions.
This service has been invaluable to our family. We had just been through a foreclosure and our credit suffered greatly before we moved into our apartment. With this service, we have been able to raise our credit each month as we make our payments on time. We thought it would take years for our credit to improve, but we are in a much better place now than we were just a year ago.
- Ashley M., Midvale, UT
Don't count yourself out if you already have an established line(s) of credit either! In my case, it improved my already good standings and made it easier for me when it came time to finance a new car! RentPlus is simple and easy! I have since recommended it to several friends who are also renting, and will look forward to utilizing this awesome service for years to come!
- Nick P., Hanford, CA
My credit report was low because I didn't have much history or many cards, even though I'd never been late on a rent payment. Using RentPlus helped me show the world I was actually a qualified buyer. Thank you!
- Brynn S., Logan UT